How to Train for Your First 5K | Get Fit Frisco, TX

How to Train For Your First 5K in Frisco

train for your first 5k

How to Train For Your First 5K in Frisco

Have you always wanted to run a 5k but you weren’t sure how to get started?

train for your first 5kI know a lot of people who would love to run a 5k but because they have never run one before and don’t know where to start they never end up running one at all. Well, you are no longer going to be able to use that as an excuse to run your first 5k because I sat down with Lara Price, Senior Regional Trainer with Orangetheory Fitness to discuss how to get started.

Here is what you are going to learn in this video:

-How to get started if you are a first time race runner
-How to get fitted for the proper shoes and where to go to get that done
-What is a good time frame to start training for a 5K
-How to find an running group or accountability partner
-What type of running programs to use to build mileage

Those are just some of the areas we cover and hopefully after you watch this video on “How to Train for Your First 5K” you will feel empowered and educated enough to get out there and run one. Just remember  to work at your pace and make this a fun and rewarding accomplishment.

Also, in the video we mention a website that you can find out the upcoming races that are taking place around the metroplex. Look through them as you may find one that might be related to a cause you support or a theme you might find fun. Here is the website

If you are planning to run an upcoming race and need some help please feel free to reach out to me or comment below on your question.

In health,

Coach Dave

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I have spent over 20 years helping others get fit and be healthy. If you are looking to make a change with your life and need a strong coach that is going to hold you accountable and give you the proper tools and strategies to succeed then I am your guy!

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