Are You Looking to Get Your Resting Metabolic Rate Tested, Body Composition and Vo2 Max Tested in Frisco, TX

Are you looking to get your resting metabolic rate, body composition and Vo2 Max tested?
First of all, you may be asking yourself what does RMR stand for and why should I know it. Or maybe you really want to know your bone density, how much lean mass or body fat you have. Finally, the last question that might be going through your head is what are my different cardio fitness zones and how can I find out what my max heart rate is?
Well, I will have to say that most gyms or health clubs might offer some of those services but not all offer all three. However, there is a place in Dallas, TX that does and the name of the place is Dexafit.
Now, I am a firm believer in if I am going to recommend a place I need to have tried it out for myself. Here is a picture of me all masked up and ready to tackle the treadmill and find out my Vo2 Max.
But first let’s just get back to understanding the importance of these three tests and why they are important for your weight loss and fitness goals.
The first one is your RMR or your resting metabolic rate. RMR is defined as the rate at which the body uses energy while at rest to keep vital functions going, such as breathing and keeping warm. If you want to lose weight, it’s helpful to know your BMR. You can either calculate the number using a formula designed by scientists, you can get it tested in a lab, or you can use an online calculator. There is no method that is perfectly accurate, but a lab test will probably give you the best estimate.
Now once you know your Basal Metabolic Rate and combine that with your activity you can use that number to essentially find out how many calories you are taking in and how many you are burning everyday. The equation is simple the more calories you burn then take in gives you a caloric deficit which can lead to weight loss. Most people don’t realize what they need to on a daily basis to maintain the muscle tissue they have.
The next test is your body composition. This test will determine how much lean muscle and how many pounds of fat you have. As well, measure your visceral fat around your organs and your bone density. knowing your total body fat composition will allow you to set up a personalized weight training plan that will help you build more lean mass and decrease in body fat!
The third and final test is your Vo2 Max. This test is going to measure your precise target heart rate, anaerobic threshold, and identifies your unique optimal training zones. Essentially, this is going to allow you to work out smarter, not harder with less fatigue and faster recovery times. Below you will see a video and a detailed explanation of how the test is performed.
The third and final test is your Vo2 Max. This test is going to measure your precise target heart rate, anaerobic threshold, and identifies your unique optimal training zones. Essentially, this is going to allow you to work out smarter, not harder with less fatigue and faster recovery times. Below you will see a video and a detailed explanation of how the test is performed.
So I hope you find the information above useful and now have an idea of the three fitness tests that can help you lose weight and get fit then I highly recommend you check out Dexafit and start working out smarter not harder!
In health,
Coach Dave