Are you new to fitness? If so, you are in the right place as this post and the video that accompanies it is all about, “How to Get Fit in Frisco Even if You are Just Getting Started!” You are going to learn the 3 proven ways to finally get started and actually stick with an exercise routine so it becomes habit.
Now, before I get started I have a confession to make. Boy, I feel like I am heading into the confessional booth spilling my sins out to the Priest. No, seriously, when I was a “young” trainer I didn’t really get why people didn’t like to exercise. I didn’t understand what they were scared of. I mean for me I grew up playing sports and although I didn’t like to practice, I mean really does anyone like to practice, I loved the “high” feeling I got from a great workout! It wasn’t until I had started to work with clients who had never exercised before in their life that I finally started to understand a little into their mindset of not liking to workout. It was through my now mature years as a coach that I came up with the 3 strategies to finally get a client to “buy in” and make exercising a part of their life.
You will learn these three ways that will help you get started the right way, and I promise even if you do just one, especially the first one I talk about in the video you will be destined for success!
So, I encourage you to take the next 10-15 minutes to watch the video and learn how to finally get past the anxiety and fear of starting out on a fitness journey.
And when you are finished watching the video leave me a comment on your thoughts. Also, if you need a virtual accountability partner come join our Free Facebook Group at
In health,
Coach Dave
As of this writing, January 2017, we have now entered into the second month of the year. Unfortunately, the sad part is a large number of people who started off with great intentions the first of the year have now fell off the wagon and are no longer working towards their New Years goals. And just maybe if you are reading this you might be on the verge of giving up as well. Just the other day I had a client come to me and say this, ” I am eating well and working out but I am not seeing results.” Is that you as well? If so, I have the possible reason and solution to your problem. I shot this quick video explaining to you why and how to change it!